• A COMPLETE list of my flat lay kit must-haves 

• DOZENS of flat lay designs that you can use as templates 

What's included in this guide?

Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed when it comes to wedding day details? Unsure how to level-up your designs and attract your "ideal" client? Allow me to help...

• A LOOK BACK at my old designs and how I've perfected them 


It's all in the details...

Thank You!


"I finally feel confident going into the flat lay part of a wedding day. I keep this guide on my phone for reference and I've been nailing each design so far! There's SO much information in one freebie, totally worth it!"

Word on the Street

"SWEET flowers are SLOW and WEEDS
make HASTE"
-William Shakespeare 

Slow down. In all aspects of life. Observe. Where is that light coming from? How deep a shade of pink is that rose? Is the texture of the path you're walking on intriguing? 

When we slow down, and can soak in. It's all in the details, and I've adored them ever since I was little. I would decorate mud pies with little buttercup petals and violas, each blossom "just so". I live in the details, especially on a wedding day.

This guide will help you pause, curate, and execute flat lays at a higher level. Something that will in turn make the viewer slow down to enjoy. 

inspired by: Fine Art | Poetry | Floral Design 

Meet Colleen

THEN: No creativity, no styling mat, bad lighting

NOW: Clear direction, color coordination, blend of personal and client items

Don't waste years like I did, invest in your art and get the results you admire oh so much online. 

Get the guide and see how I made this drastic leap into the luxury detail world!


Thank You!







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